You have completed a basic course in Emotion-Focused Therapy and want to learn from the leading experts in EFT? Book one of our online mini-workshops: Learning from the Masters. Information and Dates
Please fill in all * fields.
For which online mini-workshop(s) would you like to register?Price: € 98.00 per workshop or € 882.00 as a package (1 workshop free)Time: 6:00 PM to 9:15 PM (UTC +1 winter +2 summer)
Book the package and transfer the amount for the package. Then select 10 workshops immediately or gradually on the registration page. New workshops will be added continuously.
Your current qualification
Our offer is currently only aimed at colleagues who have attended at least a basic course or a Level 1.
Your data
Please transfer the participation fee(s), stating your name and the month of the workshops, to the accountIBAN DE69 3006 0601 0007 3489 94BIC DAAEDEDDXXXX
Your booking is confirmed with the transfer. You will receive a confirmation of registration and your invoice in the near future.
I hereby agree to the terms and conditions .*
I hereby agree to the privacy policy.*
Please download the PDF »Consent & Confidentiality Information Sheet« and confirm this below.
If you have any questions, please send us an e-mail at:
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